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That's new to me! I adapted it from the word “metamorphosis” which denotes “change” – of physical form, etc……The capital letters are simply a “change” too, but with no significance. It is just coincidental that it's like a TV character.
Sorry, we are getting “off Topic”.
ParticipantYou are referring to the picture? It's a garden with colourful plants and flowers – NATURE!
Looking at such pictures gives me a sense of peace, serenity and calmness. I do spend some of my free time in Meditation – good for mind, body and health.
I change my name to “megamorph” on 3rd Feb – the day I started my topic “Black bean cure for gout” a year ago. The next day I reverted to “metamorph” which bears special significance for me.
It does not really matter whether it's soy or turtle, so long as they are both effective in relieving gout pain and inflammation – just like colchine but without undesirable side effects.
Participantouch said:
I said in my first post I'm about 20 lbs overweight. and agree with Gout Pal its one of my biggest problems. I have always eaten vegs, and we stopped redmeat consumption (except on the rare occasion) years ago. I'm not too into meat chicken at least 3 times a week I did eat fish (all the bad ones) shellfish (not any more), dried beans etc. all the things doctors have recommended for years for health. I might have one glass of wine a week, seldom drink any alchohol. So I truly think my first attack came from stored crystals in the fat. I started back in Aug using my treadmill (slow walk every other day 1 mile) I weighed 159 Lbs. first attack in Dec. I had managed to whittle off 9 lbs to 150 lbs……….
When you mentioned that you were 20 lbs overweight I thought you were indeed full of flabs. Now I am a bit perplexed when you mentioned that you were 159 lbs in Dec. and whittled off 9 lbs to 150 lbs. At 159 lbs you were definitely not overweight, and at 150 lbs that's ideal, if your height is around 5 ft 9ins. (imperial units). Being a Canadian, you must be much taller.
ParticipantThe Black beans sold are usually labelled as “Black Beans”. As we all know by now, thyere are various types of black beans – Black Turtle Beans, Black Soybeans, Black Kidney Beans, …..
I am not too sure about how to copy the pictures here. So, I hope the following links will help you differentiate between black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) and black turtle beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) :
Black Soybeans –…..CBIQsAQwAA
Black Turtle Beans –…..CBIQsAQwAA
Visually the main difference are :
Black Soybeans are bigger and the skins (husk) are dull.
Black Turtle Beans are smaller and have shiny skins (husk)
About the question of their effectiveness in relieving pain and inflammation, I find black soybeans more effective that black turtle beans. I based my conclusion on my personal experiences with both. This could also be due to the higher anthocyanins content in black soybeans as compared to turtle black beans, mentioned by Juliana in her post, dated Jan 9 2010, Pg 10 :
“…I wondered what the actual anthocyanin content (hadn't heard of the word last week!) difference is between the Turtle bean (phaseolus vulgaris) and black soya bean (glycine max L. Merr?). In Wikipaedia it states that the Black Soya bean is the richest source of anthocyanin at 2,000mg per 100gm of beans and elsewhere that the Black turtle bean content is 213 ± 2mgs/100gms. If I have understood that correctly, that is a huge difference! I ignorantly presumed I would be able to copy & paste the link from my “stickies” but I can't & don't want to loose this. I will retrace & post seperately. I don't know how accurate these are. Interestingly, in the Wiki article it states that red grapes come out at 888mg/100gms (found under a google search of “anthocyanin”
Participantouch said:
Post edited 2:11 pm – February 2, 2010 by ouch
…….After two re reads I was still a bit unsure about the beans. There are several different ones they call black beans in the shop, wish someone could just show a picture of what the dried bean looked like along with the correct botanical name. Then I'd be certain I was purchasing the correct one………
The different types are black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) and black turtle beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) :
Visually the main difference are :
Black Soybeans are bigger and the skins (husk) are dull.
Black Turtle Beans are smaller and have shiny skins (husk)
Hope that helps.
ParticipantWith due respect to GP – I was merely doing my part in upholding the true spirit of Gout Pal Interactive – as a Friendly Gout Sufferer.
ParticipantA good example of “occupational hazard” – I was referring to myself. Not anyone else.
ParticipantSorry hans, if I had sounded too serious. It's not meant to be that way, though. Perhaps, that is something about myself that I need to be conscious about and make an effort to avoid being so.
A good example of “occupational hazard”.
ParticipantThere are more than enough rein-deers pullng GP's sled and the number is ever increasing!
I am only taking a ride on the sled and enjoy every moment of it because of all the wonderful people I meet and the knowledge I acquired along the way.
I came in with one and only thing to share – BBB cure for gout. Now after almost one year I have learnt much more about Gout. I am deeply impressed by the profound knowledge and wisdom of “several regulars who are reporting excellent progress in gout treatment“.
Now, GP's sled has gone into “auto mode” – just as GP had mentioned:
“Every time you respond to someone here, more people see the helpfulness, and they are encouraged to contribute. First with questions, but then with advice and support. It is a wonderful thing to see, and be part of. The diversity of views is very special, and I feel that this is only achivable through continuing natural growth.”
This is the kind of spirit unique only to GoutPal Interactive!
Happy journey to one and all!
Participanthansinnm said:
……You could be looked upon as year-around Santa Claus, and several others, like, zip2play, bev, metamorph, phofab, Utubelite, thaijim as one of your rein-deer…..
I am definitely not one of the reindeers. I am just hitching a ride on GP's sled and dishing out black bean broth to whoever needs it.
ParticipantThe number of views does not imply whether a topic is successful (or not). As I had mentioned before, “It could be simply out of curiosity, scepticism, cynicism, etc…. that so many people showed interest in the post,……..”
I would consider it a success only if many people who viewed it, tried BBB and found it effective in relieving their gout pain and inflammation. As much as I would like it that way, the truth is that there are so many variables and differing contributing factors that it may not be possibly so.
Very often, I can't help thinking whether I am going against mainstream discussion – MEDICATION for gout. Then again, GoutPal reaches out to people from almost every part of the Globe. So, if BBB has worked for me, it should do so for some other people too – no matter how many or how few. That's what matters most to me.
Whatever it may be I am very happy that I am doing my part here in GoutPal Interactive, because as hansinnm had expressed in his topic – “Competition, including us here……” :
“The knowledge, experiences, compassion, honesty, wealth, opinions and much more which have been shown and shared HERE are unmatched, in my opinion, by any other “institution” on this planet. One particular reason it is unmatched: Above mentioned qualities, traits, and values were/are given and shared WITHOUT asking anything in return; are given to help and to build, not to destroy (except GOUT); are given to add and to improve, not to cheat and deceive. No one asks for recognition, for fame and glory, for money or material values in return. No one claims to know it all. (Mother Nature sees to that and She lets us know: LOUD and CLEAR!)”
Congratulations, Keith you have done a great service to mankind – especially all Gout Sufferers. We simply hopped onto your bandwagon and share the Fruit of your Labour and bask in glory of your SUCCESS.
ParticipantThanks GP, for taking so much trouble to explain the counting issue I brought up. It is not an “issue” actually but just an observation of mine when I had nothing better to do.
It's indeed a pleasant coincidence that your Mum's and stepson's birthday are on 3rd February too. Please extend my Birthday Wishes to them during the celebration –
I wish them both a very happy and healthy Birthday and all the years ahead.
Maybe, I should change my name to – MEGAMORPH, after 3rd February.
Participant..cont. from previous post.
Another big difference was that my stomach felt bloated and the “loud wind”that came in unexpect moments..” the whole day long.
With my usual black soybean broth I did not have that kind of embarrassing experiences, or at least not so obvious.
ParticipantQuote thaijim (Jan 20),
“…..I had been rinsing the beans after the initial boil... but since reading Mets post that he does not, so when I made the last batch I left to simmer for about the 90 minutes… ….but found that the …. um er …. rather loud “winds” come at unexpected & embarrassing moments! …….”
I prepared a batch of BBB using the “Raitip” brand black beans (product of Thailand) which I bought the last time, for a relative of mine who was suffering from terrible bout gout pain. They look more like turtle black beans (small and shiny). The broth was very dark and “murky”, and there were lots of sludge-like residue in it. The taste was also different (very earthy) from that of the black soybean broth that I usually used. Now I understand why some others who used BBB found that it tasted somewhat “horrible”. I had to add lots of ginger (and sugar) to make it taste palatable for myself.
Regardless of the obvious differences of this batch of BBB, my relative did not complain of his gout pain anymore when I met him again the next day.
ParticipantSorry Keith, that this is “off Topic”.
I had been having a feeling that the number of times this topic has been view may not be very accurate. Exceeding 7500 views seems unbelievable to me. I did a quick test and found that every page I viewed is recorded as “1view”. So, as I scrolled through all the 11 pages of this topic it is recorded as 11 views. This is not of any grave concern though, but just an idle observation of mine as I have no gout problems at the moment…….. Thanks to BBB.
ParticipantI am repeating my post which has somehow got mixed up with Jim's
Thanks for your feedback Jim. This is about “sharing” and we always learn from each other – especially so here at GoutPal.
ParticipantThanks for your feedback Jim. This is about “sharing” and we always learn from each other – especially so here at GoutPal.
ParticipantHi Britman,
When you experiment again next week, do wait for your gout pain to come on first, then drink the BBB. This is the best way to ascertain whether BBB really works!
I am SERIOUS!!!!!
All the Best.
Participant“I wonder also if its not necessary to fully cook for the proposed 1 & half hours, although it does extract more anthocyanins from the hulls I suppose – though the colour of the bean doesn't seem to change after a while. The long cook is to cook the actual bean though I guess.”
Julia – Although you have just joined us in this discussion not for too long, you have brought up some quite interesting points. The proposed cooking time of 90 minutes was supposed to be on a simmer (the lowest temperature setting (1) of my hotplate), and that is done after boiling it for about 15 minutes. It was not based on any specific reason – just that doing so that way worked and it was accepted as such. As we read up more about black beans and and the anthocyanins in the hull we begin to have a better understanding of how BBB works on gout pain and inflammation. As the saying goes, “No venture no gain“, it would be good to try out a shorter simmering time. Maybe 1 hour could be sufficient to extract all the anthocyanins (and calcium, etc.) and not too much of the other nutrients from the beans which may not be good for gout, especially IRON.
I did not dehull the beans one by one. After soaking the beans in warm water, the hulls are soft and are easy to be rubbed off from the beans, with my palms. It could be a bit messy though, because I had to sort out the hulls from the beans. Yes, it is very therapeutic – it needs lots of patience to do so too.
Hope your hubby will be well enough to move around and fix your boiler soon!
Participant“Be aware that Soya beans have a hidden extra that your man may not like overmuch- phytoestrogens which can be a tad feminising. I used to use a diet based on Soya and definitely found a drop off in the 'downstairs arena' after a while on it- so I stopped.
Still 10 to1 is a big write down -so maybe it's gout or a quiet life? “
I read up a little more about “phytoestrogen” in beans, because I was concerned about it's “little extra that man may not like overmuch”.
I began to reflect on my past and present “activity levels” to see if I am affected in any way, and am relieved that the answer in “NO!”.
Whether there was any “hidden effects”? Nothing obvious at the the moment!
“Thanks Trev! What a dilemma! At the mo tho I suspect he would like a quiet life! Perhaps the Phytoestrogens are in the bean (soya products wouldn't just be the hull would they?)”
Dilemma? Yes, but he has to make a choice. YOu could be correct that at the moment he would “like a quiet life” . Gout pain is indeed so debilitating that he will not be able to “do anything else”
You could be right again that phytoestrogens are in the beans, not in the hull. What a great relief for me – that I did not eat any of the beans. When I mentioned that “eating black beans” and “drinking black bean broth” have distinctly different benefits (or setbacks) I did not think about the effects of phytoestrogen in soybeans. Looks like I will be working harder on getting more from the black bean hull, so that the men can drink the BBB for gout and prepare sumptous black bean salads/tonics for their wives.
Thanks, Trev for bringing our attention to this possible “hidden side effects” to men.
I gulped down all of my “experimental BBB” and the residual pain and swelling of my last gout flare up were gone. It tasted kind of different from my usual BBB – no fragrance of the bean, just tasted “husky”. I added some juice to make it taste better.
I will definitely add lots of old ginger to my BBB, next time.
ParticipantWow! dehulling the beans, That would be very tedious!
I think my experiment of trying to cut down the beans is not working… so my newest batch on the go right now is back up to about the 7 onces… or about 1/2 the 500 grm pack.
I take first thing in the morning & then throughout the day… until recently it has kept the swelling & twinges away for the most part…
I did find “real ginger” at one our “box stores” yesterday, it certainly is stronger than what they grow here… (I thought so… but was not sure. Reference from earlier post).
Yes, dehulling is indeed tedious! I do it for experiment sake. Will be looking around for easier/faster ways of doing so. If it turns out to be more effective, I might consider getting “black bean hull extracts” from China – the problem is they sell in bulk orders .
Your new experiment of reducing the beans is fine if it's just your regular maintenence doses. For painful gout flare ups we need a strong dose of “anthocyanins”.
They sell 2 types of ginger – young and old ginger. The old ones are more fibrous and much hotter. They are the usual ones sold outside. So, I suppose those that you dug up must be the young ones.
Participant“Whilst here, do we throw away the soaking water or not? I soaked 200g (7oz) for 3 & half hours & threw water away. Then cooked in 2 litres of water for 1 & half hours & drained. Is there something about beans being dangerous if you don't soak them long enough & discard water? Can anyone give any info on this please.”
“…..Sounds like soup would be a good idea – possibly it may prevent the absorption of iron, which seems to be a good thing – may dish it up at a chicken dinner too!”
The most effective part of BBB is the “anthocyanins in the water“, so do not pour it away.
Having BB soup regularly sounds like a very good idea to me too. It could also slow down the “ageing process” and keep us “young and healthy” because of the “antioxidant” and numerous other nutrients in black beans. A word of caution for those suffering from – DO NOT EAT THE BEANS.
“Meta says don't bother , other than the rinse for grits and dust -and quite possibly, the risk is mimimal, if you do use this soak for the boil.
Who knows? – many variables could come into this. Kidney beans may be to blame for the”
Yes, uncooked kidney bean have been documented as toxic!!!!! I have tried both black turtle beans and black soybeans ever since I started with BBB and I am absolutely certain that both are “safe“.
My last post was mainly to stress the effectiveness of the colouring of the bean hull – anthocyanins, which is scientifically and medically verified as effective in relieving gout pain and inflammation. Throwing away the “soaking water” is as good as discarding the main effective ingredient – ANTHOCYANINS.
At the moment, I am experimenting on BBB by soaking the beans for a longer period in warm water. I noticed that the soaking water turned very dark in colour. I kept the soaking water by straining it. Then I dehulled the beans – separating the hulls from the beans. After that I added the hulls to the “soaking water ' and continued with the boiling and simmering process. Too bad, I was not able to test/compare its effectiveness with my usual “recipe” because I did not have any gout flared up. My last flare-up had already been taken care of by earlier doses of BBB.
I have unwavering faith in BBB, because it had never failed to relieve me of my gout pains – NEVER!!!
ParticipantI would like share more about “black bean broth”. As we all know by now that it is the anthocyanins in the hull of black beans that works on gout pain and inflammation. Here I wish to highlight that “eating black beans” and “drinking black bean broth” have distinctly different benefits. Black beans like any other beans contain high levels of bioavailable iron. That is why it had all along been included in the list of “gout causing food”. Below are some researches that can explain to us “why black beans are different” from the other beans. The main difference is the amount of flavonoid in the hull of black beans.
“….the main differences between white and colored beans were the presence of free kaempferol….. Cell Fe uptake was only significant from white beans. Kaempferol from seed coats exhibited high bioaccessibility (45.4-62.1%) and a potent inhibitor effect on Fe uptake at concentrations ranged 0.37-1.30 uM……”
……Iron bioavailability from whole beans, dehulled beans, and their hulls was determined. The results show that white beans contained higher levels of bioavailable iron compared to red, pinto, and black beans. These differences in bioavailable iron were not due to bean-iron and bean-phytate concentrations. Flavonoids in the colored bean hulls were found to be contributing to the low bioavailability of iron in the non-white colored beans. White bean hulls contained no detectable flavonoids but did contain an unknown factor that may promote iron bioavailability……
…..Thus, seed coat kaempferol was identified as a potent inhibitory factor affecting iron bioavailability…… Results comparing the inhibitory effects of kaempferol, quercitrin, and astragalin on iron bioavailability suggest that the 3',4'-dihydroxy group on the B-ring in flavonoids contributes to the lower iron bioavailability.
….The flavonoids, kaempferol and astragalin (kaempferol-3-O-glucoside), were identified in red and pinto bean hulls via HPLC and MS. Some unidentified anthocyanins were also detected in the black bean hulls but not in the other colored bean hulls….
……Beninger acknowledges that some of the healthy antioxidants in beans will be lost in water upon cooking, but says that antioxidant levels will still remain high. Although dry beans were used in this study, frozen or canned beans may have similar antioxidant activity,…….
My Conclusion:
Black beans (like all other beans) have lots of health benefits and are rich in “iron”. That’s why it has been considered a “gout food”. Black bean broth is the extract of certain nutrients from the black beans – especially anthocyanins (from the hull) and a certain amount of calcium, etc.. and we do not eat the beans.
The slow boiling process in preparing “black bean broth” for relieving gout pain and inflammation is mainly to extract as much of the anthocyanins as possible from the hull, while leaving most of the other nutrients (mainly iron) in the beans. Those who have tried BBB would have noticed that the beans are not soft enough to be eaten. That was also the reason why we do not eat the bean – we drink only the broth. Of course, it would not be too much of a waste if you could find other ways to make good use of the beans – for other members in the family who are not suffering from gout.
Some of our GoutPal friends have mentioned about soaking the black beans for a longer period. That had given me another idea – about how to extract more anthocyanins from the black bean hull. I tried it and found that by soaking BB longer (and in warm water) more of the colouring of the bean (anthocyanins) are dissolved in the water without affecting the beans much. After that boil everything together. Do not pour away the soaking water. By doing so we might be able to reduce the simmering time too.
Yes, black beans had long been used by the Chinese in tonic soup, but little known for its effectiveness in relieving gout pain and inflammation. All along, it has been considered a gout causing food – just like any other beans. That's the reason why most people have reservations or doubts about its efficacy for gout.
I really hope that it could be an alternative for NSAIDs – minus the side effects because it's “natural”and inexpensive.
ParticipantThanks, Trev.
It's always nice to hear your kind and wise words, and positive outlook at all situations.
ParticipantThanks, Jim. You are a wonderful “neighbour” – always quick at responding and giving detailed feedback.
It will be a wonderful “New Year” if more friends at GoutPal would let me know how they are getting on with BBB. Even, if they have tried but did work as expected, their feedback will be learning points for me. After all here at GoutPal it is the “spirit of sharing” that matters most.
Thanks again!
ParticipantThis Topic has been viewed more than 6000 time. I am still wondering how it has been working for those who have tried it. I am looking forward to more feedbacks, comments or suggestions regardless of whether they are positive or otherwise.
I am still reading up a lot to find out more about black beans and find ways to enhance it's effectiveness in relieving gout pains and inflammation. My efforts are not entirely futile, as I am beginning to have a more indepth understanding about black beans, anthocyanins, etc. I am also making observations and carrying out some simple experiments, with the objective of coming up with something simpler and yet more effective for gout pains.
Your feedbacks will be valued and deeply appreciated.
Participant“I have taken BBB on about 6 occasions when I felt twinges 'getting a bit too interesting' on old attack sites.”
One more question Trev. Could you elaborate on what happened that was “getting a bit too interesting“?