Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! Gout Diet Gout and Wholegrain Bread

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    VGuy- this is  a big subject. Yeast has been blamed for not helping gout- from the beer connection.

    I suffer from IBS and found out a wheat sensitivity, by food elimination.

    Thus, I speak from a personal viewpoint- but gettin' older does make one 'expert 'in diets Wink  sharpened by goot, withoot doot! Surprised

    Bread without yeast (un-levened) is not much fun. Sourdough is a good way round baking yeast- you're in the right place for many options on this, in Europe.

    I prefer ordinary bread taste still -and stick mainly to Spelt, a wonderful, unhybridized grain that has many differences with other grains. It bakes easier with some flour improver or commercial ready mix (recipe on here). It doesn't gain from over kneading, either.

    It can be harder to bake at home, tending to not rise and also retains moisture ( a plus for gout diet), but this can make it go mouldy (on surface only generally), but can last up to a week and by then needs toasting to freshen it up.

    Bread machines I use are not as effective as a really hot oven  trad. approach bake off after a good rise. (Not sure how the pros get to produce a good crumb  finish)

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