My elderberry and gout story starts with Is Elderberry good for Gout?

It’s an interesting story that opens up new possibilities for natural gout treatments. But is elderberry a food or a herb?

How is Elderberry good for Gout?

When preparing my story, I had to ask if elderberry is best seen as a food or a herb. For you, it doesn’t really matter. Because you choose how to consume elderberry products. If at all.

But I must categorize discussions. Because I want to make them easy to find by the right type of gout sufferer. So I tag them into different discussion groups according to the type of gout sufferer I think they suit best. In this case, I decided that the opening discussion was too general to help GoutPal Herbalists. So I added it to Gout Foodies Discussions.

One of the many advantages of GoutPal plans is that you can mix different aspects of more than one plan to create your personal gout recovery program. So if elderberry interests you, all you need to do is use the search box near the top of every page. Then select whichever results suit you and your health advisers. But if you prefer the structured step-by-step approach, start with Questions for Gout Sufferers.

Elderberry for Gout Facts

I started this story with the forum discussion. But I had already mentioned elderberry for gout in two lists (purines and quercetin). So I’ve linked the discussion to those lists and to a related anthocyanins article. In fact, that should serve a lesson to GoutPal Foodies. Because you often start with concerns about individual foods. But in practice, any effects (good or bad) are usually caused by compounds within the food. For that reason, I will focus on updating food sources and other information regarding anthocyanins and quercetin.

Elderberry, Gout and Uric Acid

I tried to turn the discussion towards uric acid, but failed. I can see that my efforts were too vague. So I plan to improve the facts pages with better reviews of appropriate studies. In fact, I’ll split that into two projects:

  1. Elderberry & Gout Foundation Diet facts for GoutPal Foodies.
  2. Elderberry & Uric Acid facts for GoutPal Dieters.

Elderflower & Gout

So far, the story has been mostly about ripe berries. With flowers mentioned as an afterthought. However, elderflower is growing in popularity as a recipe ingredient and flavoring. So I will include whatever relevant information I can find.

I expect that will be as part of elderberry articles. But who knows how the elderflower & gout story will unfold.
Elderberries for Gout

My Elderberry and Gout Story

I’ve never tried elderberry in any form. Except a taste of elderberry wine a long time ago. The memory doesn’t tempt me to try again. Though looking at a few recipes in preparation for potential food articles, I might be tempted by elderberry jam.

But mainly, I will be writing the next chapters. Including some, all, or none of:

  • General research into health properties of elderberries, anthocyanins, and quercetin.
  • Uric acid and elderberry research.
  • Food sources for anthocyanins and quercetin.
  • Gout friendly elderberry recipes.

Your Elderberry and Gout Story

So that’s my elderberry and gout story so far. But what about your story? Please share your questions, experiences, and opinions in the gout forum.

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