Is Gout Inherited?

We often wonder, is gout inherited? I'm working on guidelines for inherited gout. We often call this hereditary gout or genetic gout. For the moment, the best factual information is Is Your Gout Hereditary?. This, and similar information form the basis of my Gout Symptoms Guidelines, especially Why do I have Gout?. We can see that gout is often, but not always, inherited. Obviously, you cannot change your parents. But you should understand what hereditary gout means for you. Therefore, note we have three interchangeable terms (hereditary gout, genetic gout, and inherited gout). Then use the search box at the top of the page to search for each of these terms. Or, do a combined search by copying hereditary gout|genetic gout|inherited gout into the search box. Continue reading Is Gout Inherited?...
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Gout Toe Pain – Can You Hear It?

The Sound Of Gout Toe Pain Diagnosis of gout has never been easy. In most cases it starts with toe pain and a swollen big toe, but in many cases it doesn't. Where gout goes undetected, problems can build up - unnoticed and untreated. Recent research includes ultrasound and a number of studies have looked at the effectiveness of ultrasound in diagnosing gout.A recent study comparing ultrasound to conventional x-ray has shown some remarkable findings. Not least of which is the ability of ultrasound to measure effects of gout even when the patient has had no gout pain. ARD - Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, the EULAR journal, has just published a study from Dr Stephen A Wright and others online prior to publication. The objectives of the study, High resolution ultrasonography of the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint in gout ,were: Compare high resolution ultrasound (HRUS) with conventional radiography in the detection of big toe damage (erosions in the 1st MTPJs)...
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How Long For Uric Acid Crystals?

Time To Dissolve Uric Acid Crystals Depends On Gout Duration I've explained about crystals on my uric acid crystal page. A new study looks at the time it takes to dissolve uric acid crystals. The report in the latest issue of the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases concludes that there is a direct relationship between the length of time a patient has suffered gout, and the time taken to dissolve uric acid crystals. Pascual and Sivera's report, The time required for disappearance of urate crystals from synovial fluid after successful hypouricemic treatment relates to the duration of gout, looks at 18 confirmed gout patients. All the gout patients were undergoing treatment to lower uric acid. All had fluid drawn from a joint (11 knee joints, 7 toe joints) every 3 months. Results showed that the number of uric acid crystals found in the joint fell significantly during the first 3 months. Patients with short term gout had all crystals dissolved in the...
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Gout and Heart Disease

Statistics show that many gout sufferers also have heart problems. Medical men argue whether one causes the other or if they are a common consequence of heredity, bad diet or lifestyle choices. Today I'll tell you about a new study that shows that gout and heart disease are linked. You will see that, if you suffer from either condition, you must take treatments that will help both. Back in 2005, researchers analyzed thousands of gout patients, looking for links between gout and other illnesses. Their study, Gout and the Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction, proved that gout patients had more heart attacks than people without gout. But how are the two linked? Critics pointed to the fact that the study was based on statistical analysis of medical records. This type of study, known as epidemiological, is a common way that researchers can establish health trends in populations to identify, amongst other things, risk factors associated with various diseases. Whilst not denying the...
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Gout Diet Principles

Every gout sufferer is concerned about food, but before you start a gout diet, make sure that it is built on sound principles. Gout diets, like any form of gout treatment, need to recognize and improve three distinct phases: stop gout triggers, reduce gout pain and lower uric acid. Let me explain how a good gout diet relates to the three basic phases of gout management. (more…)...
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Gouty Arthritis Treatment

Management of acute goutBetter gouty arthritis treatment is a major concern for gout sufferers throughout the world. My better gout treatment campaign is dedicated to improving medical and care procedures for all gout sufferers. My correspondence shows that this is a worldwide problem. British rheumatologists have completed some guidelines for the management of gout. The aim of those guidelines is to: develop concise, patient-focussed, evidence-based recommendations for the management of gout for doctors and allied heath professionals in primary care and hospital practice in the UK, which will also provide a useful resource for patients. My aim is to provide a clear and concise gout patient guide that tells you what you should expect and request when you see your doctor about gout. To do this, I will analyze these guidelines, and other relevant publications, discuss them with you in the gout forum, and develop a simple gout patient guide. I am still waiting to see the full guidelines, but the executive summary Full...
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Low Salt Tomato Juice

Fruit or vegetable juices are great for providing hydration we need for gout and a good supply of alkalizing antioxidants. As many gout sufferers also have high blood pressure, low salt tomato juice is a quick and easy snack food that ticks many good for gout boxes. Some fantastically tasty fruit and vegetable juice recipes are heading for my website as I write. But, sometimes, a simple tomato juice drink is all we want, as one of our fellow gout sufferers explained: I love to have a glass of tomato juice at breakfast, but I'm having difficulty in finding tomato juice products that are low in sodium, maybe close to zero. Hope you can help. One 64oz bottleSix 32oz bottlesOh, yes - I can help. In my fridge lies a lovely litre of delicious tomato juice containing a mere .4g salt (.2g sodium) per 150ml. The recommended daily amount of salt is 6g, so this stuff certainly qualifies as low sodium. Just nip down...
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