There have been many discussions about juicing for gout.

To be clear, this is not about taking commercially prepared juices, such as cherry juice for gout. This is about juicing your own fruits and vegetables to provide fresh juice. Generally, these home-prepared juices have a higher vegetable content than most commercial juices. In essence, it is a way to get a concentrated serving of vegetables in order to maximize the benefits from them. In forum discussions, I have seen juicing related to lowering uric acid, alkalizing the body, and reducing (or preventing) iron overload.

Juicing For Gout Introduction

In order to improve diet so that it is generally healthy, whilst also helping control gout, then juicing may well have a large part to play. I am currently researching various benefits of specific juices that you can prepare at home. However, besides the nutritional science, I would like my guidelines to include practical tips for preparing and using home-prepared fruit and vegetable juices.

Typical information includes:

  • What is the best juicing machine?
  • Are there any foods that are particularly useful?
  • Are there any foods to avoid when juicing?
  • Is juice best with meals, or as a snack between meals?

But I do not want to be restrictive. Please share any experiences and recipes that you think might help improve juicing for gout.

One gout forum member did share a juicing recipe:

Juicing For Gout Recipe

The juice comprises approximate quantities only, to make a glass, 230mls. Recommended 7 days a week before or part of breakfast.

Ingredient Weight Description
Celery 75 gms half to ¾ stick
Cos Lettuce 25 gms several large leaves
Carrot 50 gms med to large carrot
Beetroot 19 gms ½ medium beetroot
Parsley 1 sprig 1 sprig

The carrot and beetroot take away the bitterness of the green veggies.

Vegetables are inexpensive and have many other health benefits. Usually the vegetables are bought from a Local growers market, for freshness and stored in the fridge for the next week.

Purchase a good quality juicing machine as it will make the job easier and last longer.

It must be drunk over the same length of time it would take you to eat the vegetables, about half an hour, otherwise it hits the stomach like a bomb, with a resultant rapid retreat to the little room. It does assist in keeping the bowels regular and you may experience beetroot colored urine.

Our thanks go to David (phofab) in Australia for sharing this.

Best Juicing For Gout Ingredients

The most interesting aspect of juicing for gout, in my opinion, is incorporating foods that have been shown to help with uric acid control.

In general terms, we know that vitamin C is good for gout, so any fruit or vegetable with high vitamin C content should be a good candidate. I’m very interested in incorporating specific “good for gout” foods, and I’ve recently read about a couple of likely candidates. They are completely separate investigations that are unlikely to be useful in combination with each other. I will probably include more detailed reviews of these investigations later.

Juicing Noni For Gout

In Xanthine oxidase inhibiting effects of noni (Morinda citrifolia) fruit juice, Palu and colleagues investigate noni, a fruit used in Traditional Polynesian Medicine for treatment of gout. They reveal that the juice lowers uric acid by inhibiting xanthine oxidase – an enzyme that converts purines to uric acid. This is similar to the way allopurinol works, and though the effects are not as strong as allopurinol at the concentrations used in the investigation, noni juice still produced significant reduction. You should note that, the results do not include long term study of confirmed gout cases, but there is clear potential.

Juicing Onion For Gout

In Onion, a Potent Inhibitor of Xantine Oxidase, Hanaeea and colleagues investigate onion juice and onion extract for lowering uric acid. They describe the preparation processes, and reveal that both juice and extract significantly inhibit xanthine oxidase. As with noni, we still need long term study of confirmed gout cases to establish dosing etc.

Will You Try Juicing For Gout?

There is clearly great potential for using home-prepared fruit and vegetable juices to help manage gout. Unlike drugs for controlling uric acid, natural methods and procedures are not clear. You have to be prepared to take a uric acid test, try a particular juice for at least 2 weeks, then retest to check results. On the downside, you might see inconclusive results, as natural products work differently for each person. On the upside, you get the chance to try gout treatments you enjoy, and side effects are minimal. However, please note that radical diet changes can affect your health, especially if you are currently taking drugs for gout or any other condition. Please consult your doctor first, then try different juicing for gout recipes, and share them using your choice of feedback option (see below).

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Is beet juice good for gout?

Each month, hundreds of gout sufferers ask GoutPal, "is beet juice good for gout?" So as this question doesn't mention uric acid, I assume the question is mostly from people who believe that their gout is caused by poor eating patterns. In which case, they want to know if beet juice is acceptable in a Gout Foundation Eating Pattern.

Now, in an earlier review of beet extract, I saw indications that an alcohol-based extract of beet could reduce uric acid. However, this was in rats, not human gout sufferers. So it leads me to believe that beet juice might be good for gout. But we don't have enough evidence to recommend it as part of a uric acid cure. Although it should be acceptable in Gout Foundation Eating Patterns. Because in foundation dietary patterns, our goals are:

  • Establish eating patterns that meet national nutrition standards
  • Eliminate any foods that are recognized by rheumatologists as being bad for gout

Therefore, I'm starting my beet juice & gout research project. To establish beet juice as an acceptable component of GoutPal's Gout Foundation Eating Templates. After which, I will link to that project for people who want to contribute. Or follow progress prior to publication. Later, I will check for more recent research that might clarify any potential for incorporating beet juice in uric acid treatment templates.

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